Monday, 1 December 2008

i beat my hands upon my chest

Wow. what a week!

southampton was uber kick ass. unitruck was just as kick ass, ive had an epic ten days been in various different places and met some awesome bands...

just need to say thank you too: burn the fleet and waiting for sirens, and all of the other southampton boys who actually rock my world, all my wonderful uni friends, josh - TTT everyone else whos been helping out over the last couple of weeks, and especially kai whos been a tremendous help, thanks buddy!!

also. the burn the fleet ep is the best piece of music i have ever heard. ever.

i just want to take this platform to say, what the fuck is up with the post office.

they shut down the desbourgh road one, so now there is only one in wycombe, and it is ALWAYS full. its a fucking joke. pensions, postage and the fucking doll.

i have actually had enough of these fucking crackheads trying to work out if they can rob me whilst im in the post office rockin out to my ipod.

i fucking hate fucking crackheads.

i dont mind the old dears who come in to collect there well earnt pensions, i mean they did actually earn them, but these fucking drugged up thieving pikeys dont do fucking anything. and they say students are lazy? fuckkkkkk themm.

fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

on a lighter note, ordered new tees, gonna order some more asap!

except. what the hell, i sold cymbal on ebay (thank fuck for the brilliance that is ebay) and the guy still hasnt paid for it, i know its only been two days, but it was payday on friday, and when i buy it now i always pay straight away! and he hasnt emailed me back... who the fuck doesnt check their emails a hundred times a day!

fucking dick. im gonna leave him some SKKKKKETCHY feedback.

peace out.


one more thing.

im quite miffed that my bro- dan ( has a wordpress and not a blogspot. not cool. not cool at all.

1 comment:

xdanielx said...

wordpress is where its at bro! <3